I'm A Blushine Girl >.<
i'm elea aliah , call me elea . age ? just forteen . school ? smk tunku putra . still single .
Without you my days are "Sadday,"Moanday, "Tearsday, "Wasteday, "Thirstday, "Fightday", and "Shatterday".I love you a little bit more when you call me honey I love you a little bit more when you hold my hand I love you a little bit more when you hug me. I love you a little bit more. Every day.

Skin by Ayien
Cute favicon byBabydoll
Blog owner: ______
bored :'(
Tuesday 21 August 2012 | 23:59 | 0 comments
hey ! assalamualaikum !

   baru semalam update , rindu nak typo sebenarnya .hehe ^_^ takpe kan ? whateverlah . BORED BORED ! BORED ! tahu tak ? ape bende tuh ? bosan lah ngok . kan kena ngok ngan aku . hehe . sorry ^_^ tak pegi beraya ke ? eh aku tak mood lah nak beraya nih . lebih baik aku duduk uma .

wei , tak rasa bosan ke ? aku dah gila bosan nih . haduyai ! kaykay , tarik nafas dalam-dalam .then hembus perlahan-lahan ^_^ then senyum macam orang gila kat depan cermin .hahaha . ternyata aku memang comel . alhamdulilah . kelas kau jah ! haha .

that why , buatlah something yang berfaedah ^_^ . jangan buang masa . bye take care iloveu ^_^

Old things