I'm A Blushine Girl >.<
i'm elea aliah , call me elea . age ? just forteen . school ? smk tunku putra . still single .
Without you my days are "Sadday,"Moanday, "Tearsday, "Wasteday, "Thirstday, "Fightday", and "Shatterday".I love you a little bit more when you call me honey I love you a little bit more when you hold my hand I love you a little bit more when you hug me. I love you a little bit more. Every day.

Skin by Ayien
Cute favicon byBabydoll
Blog owner: ______
Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Dan Batin ^_^
Monday 20 August 2012 | 10:00 | 0 comments
arghh . abaikan tudung aku yang tak betul tuh . ^_^

hey ! i'm come back . berhabuk sudah . eh nak cite pasal ape ? opss lupa . pasal raya lah . apelah aku nih . by the way . best lah raya tahun nih .  tema PURPLE ^_^ awesome ! mase tuh jugak tudung aku tak betul . hadui ! sape yg buat nih ? brr --' lupakan . lupakan . cantik tak ? gambar tulah kat atas tuh . memang cantik .is fact okay . eh cantiknya aku . ya allah terima kasih ^_^ alhamdulilah semuanya cantik-cantik belaka .eh aku nak sama tinggi dengan akak aku lah . cewwahhh ! hehe ^_^ k-malu .gambar nih memang cantik . aku sayang kat family aku nih . amin ^_^ nak cau dulu --->>>>

kalau aku ade salah , harap maafkan ye ^_^ take care.jangan main mercun ^_^ bye

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